Comparison AlgorithmΒΆ

[node distance=0.3cm, every edge/.style={arrow}]
\node (start) [goodstep] at (0,0) {Init empty \\ file list};
\node (realstart) [goodstep, below=of start] {Start \\ compare};
\node (treecheck) [goodstep, right=of start] {Other \\ tree?};
\node (tree) [goodstep, above=0.5cm of treecheck] {Hash \\ match?};
\draw [->, thick] (treecheck) -- node [font=\scriptsize, left] {Yes} (tree);
\node (nohash) [goodstep, below right=0.2cm and 0.6cm of tree] {For sub- \\ directory};
\draw [->, thick] (tree) -- node [font=\scriptsize, above] {No} (nohash);
\node (subdir) [goodstep, below=0.5cm of nohash] {if comparable \\
  \textcolor{gray}{get other and} \\
  add files \\ (start again)};
\node (files) [goodstep, right=of nohash] {for file};
\node (checkfile) [goodstep, below=0.5cm of files] {if comparable \\
  \textcolor{gray}{and no matching} \\
  \textcolor{gray}{hash in other,} \\ filter and append};
\draw [->, thick] (treecheck) -- node [font=\scriptsize, below] {No} (nohash);
\draw [->, dashed] (subdir) -- (realstart);
\draw [->, thick] (nohash) -- node [font=\scriptsize, right] {Loop} (subdir);
\draw [->, thick] (files) -- node [font=\scriptsize, right] {Loop} (checkfile);
\node (final) [goodstep, above=of files] {return full \\ files list};
\node (match) [goodstep, right=0.6cm of tree] {Return empty \\ file list};
\draw [->, thick] (tree) -- node [font=\scriptsize, above] {Yes} (match);
(realstart) edge (start)
(start) edge (treecheck)
(nohash) edge (files)
(files) edge (final);

Comparison algorithm